Dysphagia is a condition that makes it difficult to swallow. When this occurs, it takes longer for food and liquid to move from your mouth to your esophagus. Pain may occur as well when you have dysphagia. The condition can be treated at home by taking your time eating your foods and changing the kinds of foods that you eat. While the condition can be treated at home, a lot of the time, it can’t.
Dysphagia may only be treated by a medical professional, especially if the symptoms last longer than a few days. It can mean that you have another underlying condition.
A severe form of dysphagia can cause one to have a difficult time breathing. This is serious and if not treated, it can cause death.
There are eight common symptoms of dysphagia that you need to be aware of. If you ever happen to get it, you’ll know what you need to do to get rid of it.
1. Drooling is a symptom of dysphagia.
Your saliva is unable to go down your throat, so the only way to rid itself, it comes out of your mouth. It can become unsightly when you are eating or drinking. Since the food can’t get down your throat, you’ll drool. A medical professional may be able to help you with your drooling problem. Some medicines can cause drooling as a side effect. Since it’s unsightly, you may not want to eat out until you have the condition under control. Every time you open your mouth, it’ll cause you to drool. Even laughing or coughing will have the same effect.
Dry mouth solutions may not help. It may just make you drool even worse. A lot of times when you drool, you’ll want to spit a lot because you’re producing an excess of it. If you find yourself drooling constantly talk to your doctor as soon as possible.