Intestinal infections are very common but that doesn’t mean they aren’t cause for concern. While some people who suffer from intestinal infections just have mild symptoms such as fever or digestive problems, infections can be severe and even life-threatening. Sometimes the underlying cause of the infection is more of a concern than the infection itself. It can also affect it and how the infection can be treated.
Infections are common in patients who have other intestinal issues and can also lead to the diagnosis of many intestinal diseases and conditions. Many intestinal infections are linked to various types of intestinal cancers.
Understanding the cause of an intestinal infection can help doctors determine the best course of action to treat it. While there are many things that can cause an intestinal infection, these are 14 of the most common causes. If you think you may have an infection, be sure to see a doctor immediately for treatment.
1. Duodenal Cancer
This is a type of cancer that can be present in the intestinal tract. These cancers usually grow as large tumors and they can become so large that they cause blockages in the intestines and prevent waste from passing through. When the waste is stuck in the digestive tract it can start to break down and lead to an infection.
If the infection cannot pass through the intestines, it can stay in place and become more severe. It can also spread to other areas of the body and even be absorbed into the walls of the intestines where it can enter the bloodstream and easily travel to other parts of the body. In some cases, this can lead to sepsis.
Many people who have this type of cancer will suffer from multiple intestinal infections in their life. If the cancer can be treated or if the cancerous section of the digestive tract can be removed, the infections may not return. Doctors may treat infections with antibiotics when possible and will avoid surgery unless necessary.