When you are feeling fine and going about your day to day business, the chances are that you do not give your feet much thought. You get up, walk around, and do the things that you have to do to get by. However, when your foot or your feet start to ache, it is then that you realize just how important this appendage is.
When you get a cramp in your foot, you may wonder how you are ever going to deal with the pain. If you get occasional foot cramps, it is not a real reason to be concerned. Most of the time, the cramps will come and go, and you can then move about your day. However, if you notice that you are getting foot cramps quite often, it could be the sign of an underlying medical issue. Here are 14 common causes of foot cramps to consider.
1. Improper Footwear
If you are suffering from foot cramps, there is a good chance that the shoes that you are wearing are simply too tight. When you wear shoes that do not fit properly, it can cause you to get blisters on your feet. Also, shoes that are too tight may be cutting off circulation to your feet. If there is not enough blood getting to your feet, it can cause you to experience cramping throughout the bottom of your feet as well as in your toes.
Shoes that are too tight may also hinder movement in your feet, which can lead to the muscles cramping up. When you purchase any type of footwear, it is important to make sure that you can wiggle your toes inside of your shoes. If you notice that you cannot move your feet inside of the shoes that you are wearing, it is time to purchase a new pair that will fit your feet properly.