Bedwetting is often seen as a normal occurrence in kids but when people get older and still fail to drop the habit people may start to wonder why this is the case. In reality, there are many things that can cause adults to suffer from bedwetting. Bedwetting in adults can also be an indicator that a disease is present since it’s not exactly what we could call commonplace for adults.
As a matter of fact, many undetected illnesses are found due to adult bedwetting since it’s a symptom that rings off alarm bells in many people’s minds and may thus lead them to get checked. It may be annoying, but it is useful. In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the most prevalent causes so that you can figure out what the root issue is and how to overcome it.
1. Genetics
As funny as it may sound, there are actually many cases where bedwetting runs in the family. Before jumping to conclusions and assuming that there may be something wrong with you, just check on your family history to see if there’s a long line of bedwetters. There are even some scientists suggesting that it may be possible to remove bedwetting genes in the future using CRISPR, but until then you’ll have to accept that it’s merely a part of your bloodline.
You don’t need to go all the way back to distant ancestors. Oftentimes, talking to your parents and grandparents will give you enough insight into your lineage — at least to a point that’s sufficient to determine whether or not the bedwetting is in fact due to your DNA. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and there are still some things you can do to mitigate the nuisance such as wearing adult diapers.