Your gallbladder is an organ that sits right below the liver. It provides an important function for the body as it is in charge of releasing bile that is made by the liver into the intestines. Bile is responsible for breaking down fats. Many people experience issues with their gallbladder that will require a change in their diet or to have the gallbladder completely removed. There are a number of risk factors that can contribute to problems with the gallbladder.
Some of these risk factors include age, gender (women are more likely to have gallbladder issues than men), and lifestyle. As a person ages, the incidence of experiencing gallbladder symptoms rises with people over the age of sixty being the most susceptible. The symptoms of gallbladder issues can range from mild to severe. Here are 12 of the most common symptoms experienced if your gallbladder is not working properly.
1. Acute Pain
If your gallbladder is struggling to work correctly you may experience acute pain. This pain will typically be located on the upper right side. It may also be in the middle of the abdomen. This pain typically occurs right after eating a big meal. If you experience this type of pain you may be experiencing acute cholecystitis. Acute cholecystitis is described as being the most common type of gallbladder disease.
Often times this condition is caused by gallstones. Gallstones appear from a buildup of cholesterol or calcium. The condition may also be a result of tumors. The acute pain may be dull aching or sharp twinges that extend up through the shoulder. If appropriate dietary changes are not made, the acute illness may lead to a chronic issue. This can lead to the gallbladder losing all its functions and may result in needing to have it removed.