Have you been struggling with heart palpitations that seem to have no obvious cause? It can be an extremely hard thing to face when there is clearly something serious wrong with your health and you don’t seem to be able to find the cause of your health issues – especially when you have already been to several doctors so far and even they have been unable to tell you just what the cause of your heart palpitations are. We would suggest that you keep reading for twelve of the most common causes of heart palpitations – you can even take this list straight to your doctor should you suspect that something could be wrong with your health. This could well be what helps them find the cause for your health problems, and that’s the first step to improving your health for the long haul. Could some of these be causing your problem?
1. Taking Drugs
First off, we can define heart palpitations as any kind of increase in the heart rate that lasts for an extended period of time – this heart rate might slow down to normal over time and with the introduction of some medications, usually beta blockers, which will be prescribed by your doctor or given to you in hospital.
These types of increases in your heart rate can last for long periods of time and seem to flare up entirely on their own, or they can be tired to very specific times in your day – in which case you should take a much closer look at what the cause of your heart rate increase might be. If you can tie it to the use of any kind of stimulants throughout the day, some of which can include caffeine from the coffee you are taking through to alcohol, it could cause your palpitations.