De Quervain Tenosynovitis is commonly caused by overusing the wrists. Any type of repetitive movement with the wrists can over time cause de Quervain tenosynovitis. It can affect the hand and thumb as well.
A person doesn’t have to be physically active to become affected by the condition. If a person has been putting a lot of stress on the wrists for a long period of time, their sheaths covering the tendons are putting a lot of pressure on the nerves, which is causing the person to have pain in the first place.
In order to get to the root of the problem of why de Quervain tenosynovitis is present is to figure out what are some of the main causes are. There are eight common causes of de Quervain tenosynovitis that a person should check for. Every person may not fit into the same category when it comes to de Quervain tenosynovitis.
1. Lifting heavy grocery bags by their handles can cause de Quervain tenosynovitis because strain is put on the wrists.
By carrying heavy grocery bags on a regular basis, the sheaths are putting pressure on the tendons, which is going to cause pain and swelling. This is even worse for a person who walks from the grocery store with heavy bags. They are likely in pain and ignore it because he or she has no other way to get to and from the grocery store.
Also, not every grocery store has people on hand who can put a person’s groceries in his or her car. To make it easier on the wrists, a person should not use the handles at all. Just tote the bags against the body, almost like holding a child. It might be a good idea to use brown paper bags, so it’ll be easier to carry and on the wrists.