6. Foods
Certain foods contain vitamins, minerals and other substances that can ease the discomfort of tendonitis. A wide selection of fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients that can work as anti-inflammation agents. Eating more leafy greens, onions, garlic, squash, carrots and peppers can help relieve discomfort. Look for plant foods that are brightly colored with rich greens, oranges, and reds. Omega 3s also have strong anti-inflammatory properties.
These beneficial fatty acids are found in sardine, salmon, flaxseeds and certain types of nuts. Chilies and other peppers contain capsaicin which can reduce swelling and irritation. Raw pineapple has plenty of the amino acid bromelain that can relieve the discomfort of tendonitis. Eating a balanced diet, in general, can promote muscular strength that can prevent injuries that can lead to tendonitis. Consuming plenty of protein and iron can keep muscles healthy and aid in recovery. Collagen-building vitamins like vitamin C can strengthen tendons.