High blood pressure (also called hypertension) describes a condition in which the pressure inside your circulatory system has built up to an unhealthy level.
What this means more precisely, is that the amount of blood and its density has become somewhat too great for the closed system. Pressure describes the number of particles in an enclosed space and the more densely packed this is, the higher the pressure. A ‘vacuum’ means that the space is completely devoid of particles. On the other hand, high pressure means that there is so much gas or fluid in the space that it is fit to burst. Think of a balloon – as you keep pumping it up, the pressure rises and eventually it bursts!
As you can imagine, this isn’t a great state to be in and it can actually be very dangerous. This is what increases the chances of heart attack and it can also cause a number of other symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, confusion, irregular heartbeat, blood in the urine and more.
For all these reasons, you should consult with a doctor at your earliest convenience.
At the same time, it pays to consider what might be the cause of your hypertension. And the things you discover may just surprise you! Read on to learn some of the more shocking causes for high blood pressure…
1. Stress
This may not surprise you seeing as just how often it gets the blame. But what might surprise you is just why this has such a profound impact.
You see, stress triggers what is known as the ‘fight or flight response’. In this response, the body reacts by producing more adrenaline and various other hormones designed to put the body in a state ready for action. This includes a heightened heartrate to improve blood flow to the brain and muscles. But did you also know that it thickens the blood in order to increase clotting?