High blood pressure is a serious issue that can make it difficult for the heart to pump blood and oxygen around the body. This means that the blood has become too thick, that the heart is pumping too hard or that the veins have become too narrow.
Either way, this means that there is a build up of force and pressure inside your veins and arteries and that the heart will need to work harder and harder to deliver oxygen and nutrients where they need to be in the body. This can have some immediate negative effects such as making you short of breath and damaging your athletic performance. However, it can also have even worse long-term effects eventually leading to heart problems or even a heart attack of stroke.
Blood pressure is a result of many different things but one of the main causes of high blood pressure has to do with your diet. The wrong diet will cause the blood to be thicker and will make it significantly harder for it to make its way around your body.
Let’s take a look then at 10 easy diet changes that will manage that high blood pressure.
1. Drink Water
The first and most important diet tip is to make sure you are getting enough water. Water is absolutely crucial for every single chemical reaction in your body and yet over a third of us are chronically dehydrated! This is not a small issue and it should be an absolute priority for you to solve this problem at your earliest convenience – by drinking more water!
This will not only prevent inflammation and stress caused by general bad health but it will also help to dilute your blood making it more fluid and more able to make its way around your body.